The first version of The Girl and The Sun was illustrated by Ashley’s 6 year old daughter in 2015 and has been read to thousands of students.
When Ashley created iKid she wrote The Girl and the Sun to animate its core message: what you give to the world, you get back. The idea came to Ashley while observing that kids were continually being taught to be kind without being given the proper tools to begin cultivating it. She considered how she herself didn’t always feel kind and that a voice in her head often told her she was worse or better than other people.
Ashley wants kids to know that they don’t have to believe this voice, instead they can hear what it says and decide to bring their attention to their heart where the answers lie. If they listen, their heart will guide them on how to act, how to think and how to speak, and kindness emerges from there.
To learn more about iKid visit Saleema Noon’s website.