After 10 heart-filled, inspiring, and playful years collaborating with Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators to offer iGirl, iGuy and iKid empowerment workshops, I have now decided to continue this work on my own. I love Saleema, and I wholeheartedly support the work she does, and we will always be connected as colleagues and friends.
iGirl is still going strong with spring and summer camps scheduled regularly. iGirl is truly amazing. Its messages around self-esteem, assertiveness, relationships, and internet safety are deep and powerful, yet the content is delivered in such a fun and lighthearted way that the girls remember its core messages long after the workshop is over.
After 4 wonderfully successful years, my iKid workshop has been revamped to support parents and teachers. I truly want to make the greatest impact by bringing iKid’s powerful messages to those who hold the most influence on little ones. Parents and teachers, please find my new workshop descriptions here.