My friends, that is why I write you today. I want you to know that if I ever seem distant, anxious, a little too chatty, or unable to listen with my full attention, it is because I have reverted back to my old pain. I love you and I value our friendship deeply, it’s just that sometimes the beast of trauma appears and it is all I can see and experience.
5 Ways to Feel More Loving and Connected with Life
Deep inside your heart you have soul. That soul is shining 100% of the time. The full aliveness of that soul is what you feel so profoundly when in the presence of a baby, animal, and the forest. I want you to know, that it is also in you. It is in all of us. Here are 5 simple ways to feel more loving and connected to the presence inside of yourself, others, and the world.
Find Peace by Questioning the Truth of Your Stressful Thoughts
You cannot stop the endless stream of stressful thinking in your mind. You can try, but the more you wrestle with your thoughts, the more powerful they become. What you can do is question your thoughts. Most of the time, the stressful thoughts you think are not true. And the moment you debunk a fearful thought, it loses its power over you. This is when miracles happen, because your perspective on life can instantly change.
Chasing Happiness, Stressful Thoughts, and the Peace of Reconnecting with the Soul
We are born fully connected to our soul. As we get older, we start to hear a voice in our mind that pulls us away from that connection. The voice promises that “we will be happy when…we have a better house, body, friend group, romantic partner, career, financial portfolio.” And so we let it lead our lives and we travel further away from our self. But separating from our soul hurts. And over time, we can’t keep the hurt down, so we have no choice but to go within to reconnect with our self and return home.
How do I love myself? By Staying with the Inevitable Feelings of Life
Emotions don’t harm us, but running from them does. When we avoid our truth, we become disconnected from our self. It is that disconnection that hurts. It is that disconnection that transforms sadness into depression, fear into anxiety, and a glass of wine into a bottle. Self-love means staying with our self as we feel the inevitable moment-to-moment waves of emotion that flow through our experience of life.
Firm Self-Love: How to Use your Willpower to Follow your Own Rules
Becoming an adult means learning to be a parent to yourself. It means loving yourself by continuously checking in to ensure you are supported physically, mentally, and emotionally just like you would with your child or pet. And, just like you would with your child or pet, it means being firm with yourself when you are not committing to your values.
Prevent Emotional Outbursts by Loving Yourself Every Day
An emotional outburst doesn’t necessarily mean a panic or rage attack (although it can), rather it can look like a food or booze binge, reacting to our loved ones during conflict, an increase in obsessive thinking, a strong desire to run away or get wasted, suddenly feeling very fat, ugly, or old, or a bout of depression or apathy. Learn how to prevent emotional outbursts by taking care of yourself just like you care for your children, pets, or good friends…with love, understanding, and compassion.
Parents need Love, not more Rules and Guidelines
Parents, in January, you do not need another set of rules and restrictions on your behaviour, but rather a commitment to self-love. Restriction feels good at first, but will always start to wane. The child inside of does not want to be told what to do, so it eventually rebels. It craves. It yells for attention. And the behaviour you do not want gradually starts again. If we tend to the child within and give her love by offering her consistent care, listening to her needs, and holding her through her emotions, then the insatiable need for more is no longer there. The insatiable need for more is actually an insatiable need for love. Give the child love, and the cravings subside.
5 Ways to Teach Kids to Love Themselves
Hearing children say they don’t like themselves can be deeply painful for a parent to hear. In this article learn 5 ways to teach kids to love themselves. By connecting with their hearts when they have stressful, judging thoughts, they can recognize them as just thoughts that they don’t have to believe. The more they practice self-love, the smaller that judging voice in their mind becomes.
5 Ways to Help Children Feel Their Emotions
Learn to be a loving parent to yourself; then you can best be a loving parent to your child. Because we live in a culture that does not honour emotion, feeling is a skill that needs to be learned. The more we practice feeling our own emotions, the more we can support children when they need us. The more we express a range of feelings in front of them, the more they will feel comfortable expressing a range of feelings in front of us.
5 Ways You Can Encourage Kindness in Kids
When I wrote The Girl and The Sun children’s book, I never imagined I would be launching it directly in the middle of a global pandemic. But it seems that now is actually the perfect time for the book to be available to the world. While we all try to navigate this new existence, a book about kindness (to oneself and others) appears to be more pertinent than ever, especially when it comes to encouraging kindness in kids.
How to Build a Relationship with Yourself
“Love yourself like you love your children. Always. Even when you don’t feel like it. Yes, you are annoying sometimes. You act one way when you want to be acting another. You complain when you want to be grateful. You are irritated when you want to be patient. You are human, just like your child or loved one is human. And does your love for them wax and wane depending on their behaviour? No. Love is consistent and present, and it is always there in the background while you work hard to be there for them, even when it is difficult to do so. This is the love you need to give to yourself.”
The Story of the Sun, Cloud & Rainbow Metaphors: A Way to Talk about Big Things with Little People
When I was 17, I decided exactly what I wanted to do for a career. Throughout high school I suffered from an intense preoccupation with food, exercise and my body. At age 16, my mom called the hospital for help. On the phone, they asked my weight, and because it wasn’t low enough to be considered an eating disorder, they didn’t have anywhere to send me.
Beauty, Money, and Power do not make you Worthy of Love: You Already Are Worthy
A 12 year old girl, in one of my workshops, once asked me “If you love yourself, then why do you wear makeup?Whether I fully lived the following truth in my own life or not, my answer to her was that makeup is fun. I like to play with it. Makeup becomes a problem when you need it to be who you are. When it defines you. When you need to be beautiful to others to feel worthy.
Self-love Is Different Than You Think: It comes from your Soul not your Ego
True self-love does not come from your cloud (your ego or negative self-talk). It comes from the sun in your heart (your soul or true self). It is unconditional. And it involves having a continuous dialogue with yourself to ensure that you are emotionally, mentally, and physically supported as you move through your day.
10 Ways to Prevent Bullying from becoming Life Long Trauma
Bullying awareness wasn’t a thing back in the 80s like it is now. If you are a parent, you can be sure that the harassment you experienced (or gave) would not fly in today’s school. But it still exists, and as parents we can support our children so that the emotional pain from it does not turn into a frozen ball that prevents them from sleeping when they are 40. Here are 10 things I wish I knew...
From Depression to the Heart: Finding Happiness by Giving
I started to notice that the true moments of joy, the moments that filled my heart so much my arms tingled, were moments that I was giving. Instead of taking from the world, it is giving that fills us up. I started to look around me at the masses of people, trying to find happiness in a book with 10 steps, a bottle, a better body, a new house, more vacations, and more friends, and saw that we all had been traveling in the wrong direction. It is to the heart we must go.
Friends, Grade 5 and Parenting Pain
There is this moment in parenting when you have to separate the ‘parent part’ of you that is dealing with the moment, from the ‘child part’ of you that is feeling old pain from the past. The ‘child part’ must be put away for the time being to be tended to later. The ‘parent part’ then has to respond in an adult way while simultaneously feeling the ‘child part’ screaming somewhere deep inside. It’s quite a dance.
A Commitment to Not Rest Until Equal Opportunity Exists
I don’t know what to do. I know I’m going to do or say some wrong things. And I may be scrutinized for it. But I am going to keep writing. I promise I will write from my heart. And I will do my best to be as inclusive and humble with my language as I know to be in that moment. If I make a mistake, I will correct it.
Video: Teaching Kids About Privilege and Equality
When hiking in a large group, it would be strange if the few hikers at the front, with their eye on speed and the glory of the finish line, began the hike and just kept going at their fast pace, without looking back, until the end of the trail. But this is the way we live in North America. A select few, privileged due to their white skin, heterosexuality, cis-gender (which means they identify with the gender they were assigned at birth), high socio-economic wealth, and typically male gender, tend to speed ahead with their eye on the prize rarely looking back at the others behind.